On Friday 29th June, the LTFUC committee members made their way up to Russell Square for the fundraising day which was being held by Katie Simmonds who has run the cabmen’s shelter there for the last four years.

Cabmen’s shelter open for business
All food and drink on the day could only be purchased by donation with all proceeds going to our charity and some of London’s finest taxi drivers also supported us on the day by donating their tips and helping to spread the word about the good work that we do to help disadvantaged children.
We are so pleased to announce that the day was a great success with £3,100 being raised by donations and tips.
Katie dressed up for the occasion in her wonder woman outfit and her partner in crime Jude looked the part as cat woman as they served their regulars and new customers. Our decorated bunny taxi caught the eye of many passing tourists who could not resist having their photograph taken with it.

Katie & Jude dressed up with the decorated bunny taxi
As luck would have it, Gary Oldman was filming nearby and Katie kindly asked if he would have his picture taken to support our charity and the wonderful work we do… and he said yes!

Gary Oldman takes the time out to have a photograph taken with us!
Sincere thanks to everyone who took part in this successful fundraising day. We hope to do it all again next year.
Watch this space!